Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Fine Day

     One of my daily emails read this morning provided the title for the day. The quote comes from Dr. James MacDonald. 

  • Life is filled with the typical. We sleep. We wake. We eat. We drink. We come. We go. We talk.  We listen. We breathe. “How was your day?” we ask each other, and the typical response given is “Fine.”  “Fine” means it’s been another typical day.
     Though the context for his comment was on what would be typical for Jesus, it applies to what happens when one works to find a new routine in a new place. The day had its ups and downs, but it was a Fine Day. 

     Silly as it sounds, the morning began with reboxing stamping supplies before taking them to Beth's home where we will set up a stamping studio. Well, perhaps not a studio, but a place where we can get together and stamp to our heart's content. Certainly, the apartment does not have room for a stamping alcove to say nothing of a "studio." With that complete, I rerorganized and consolidated things waiting for a home and almost managed to have a sitting area established in the living room.

     The foray into the world of southern beauty salons turned out quite well. Even Beth agrees. Splurging in honor of the adventure, I had both cut and color done. Yes folks, my blond is from a box. The splurge represented a really big deal because Julie not only colored my hair but added low-lights which turned out nicley. The only problem remaining is that I really like the look, and splurge is the right word to describe the cost. Getting 25% off as a first time customer was helpful, but the computer won't lie and neither will I, so the next time will be pricier. 

    Returning to the apartment provided a jump into a good news/bad news situation. The carpet man had come and replaced the padding removed after the air conditioning drain plugged and water flooded the hallway. They even replaced more padding in the living room and all of the hall to make it all even. GOOD NEWS. However, they moved everything. Boxes, bins, cable box and every item not in a place lay in jumbled piles with little rhyme or reason in the newly open sitting area and in the dining area, virtually blocking access to the kitchen. BAD NEWS. I could skinny into the kitchen to cook chicken for the next day's salad. GOOD NEWS. The items left near the front for easy access lay near the back of the new piles. BAD NEWS. The carpet edges did not show, a job well done. GOOD NEWS. A dark, flat object laid on the edge of the carpet in the hallway. It was a razor sharp blade. BAD NEWS. I anticipated the danger and picked it up carefully. GOOD NEWS. Evidence clearly confirmed that the carpet man had made use of the guest bathroom. BAD NEWS. I could flush and drop the seat. GOOD NEWS.

     Finally, truly making it a good "fine day", I met several lovely women at the church I attended Sunday. Wallflowers and Butterflies was not a special program to encourage ladies to appreciate each other, it was a simple practical application, putting people together to get to know a few others a little better. What a perfect opportunity for me. Thank you, Lord. I even remember three women's full names with a mental picture of their faces this morning.

     A fine day, indeed.

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